
“”Will the deceased please rise.”

“I stood. The court of Asgard was quite intimidating. Odin presided with Thor arguing against us. “As you can see,” Thor said “This is no weapon, merely a cooking implement. Like any other, surely we wouldn’t let any hero with a spoon into Valhalla now will we?” A spoon could be used as a weapon said, Odin” I’ve seen it happen multiple times in movies where people get hit with a spoon. Odin laughs and can’t breath anymore. Thor stands up and walks away from his father as he was humiliated from what his father just did.  Odin said, ” This spoon shall not be used as a weapon to die in your hands.” Thor looks back jumping in joy, ” Thank you, I don’t have to use the spoon as a weapon to die in my hands.”  

I requested the weapon to die in my hand was a spatula to save the world with in Valhalla. Odin and Thor say, ” A spatula is not a mere weapon. It is only to serve food and flip burgers or flip and grilled things. As I object and say that the spatula can be used as a weapon, it helps serve against hunger and can smack people in the faces for a beating. Odin says, “It does barely any damage to anyone in Valhalla even if you hit someone with it. I objected again and said, “Well then we just have to him them harder right. Have you ever heard the saying THE BIGGER THEY ARE THE HARDER THEY FALL!” Odin and Thor just bursted out in laughter and had tears in their eyes, and Thor says, ” That’s a funny joke!” Odin, said, “Fine you can use the spatula as a weapon and come to Valhalla with us.  I screamed as loud as I could and ran around in circles. I screamed, “Valhalla here I come, I will be the new hero with a spatula.

Global School Play Day

I agree about Global School Play Day because it helps kids from relieving stress. Global school play day helped me remember by childhood when we more free and didn’t have as much homework.  A lot of people seemed like they were really relieved from stress and they didn’t have to worry about any homework and it reminds the students of their childhood of what they can do instead of being restricted. Parents should care about their child in different ways instead of making them stay at home and doing homework, they can go and play and do homework later. Stress can make a difference in a child, the more stress they have the more anger they can have in their body instead of positivity. With less stress they can have free time and enjoy what they want to more often and let their childhood selves back into them.

Stress is a huge part to health. Stress can lead to anxiety especially for many kids in high schools. They have so much homework they can’t even get out of their room and play for at least like and hour. Instead they have to stay up late doing their homework and sleeping late and waking up for school again. Its just rinse and repeat for them. IF they had no stress then they could hang out with their friends and have a great time, because they have less stress on themselves. As in Ted Talk they professor said that a lot of kids nowadays have stress then way back then because of the workload the high school students have.

That day made everyone relaxed and that they could hang out with their friends. The activities I wish I would’ve done was play basketball. I would also want to play exploding kittens and some other card games. The thing I enjoyed the most about that day was getting to hang out with classmates and not having to sit in a class for an hour and listening to a teacher ramble on all day. The thing I learned from the experience is that everyone needs time to relax, never stress a person out or else it could lead to negative thoughts in one person. Everyone was having fun that day and that we could remember our childhood where we barely had any homework and we could do anything we want. That day is the day where everyone will never forget because it reminds them of their childhood. This was the day I really missed my childhood where I could always play with my friend and not have to worry about any homework. There was nothing the classmates would have to worry about and do anything. All we had to do WAS PLAY WHICH WAS GREAT AND AMAZING DAY. In my opinion every teacher should do this around the world. Teachers can also have a relaxing time too and remember the days that they could play as a child when they were a kid. GLOBAL SCHOOL PLAY DAY IS THE BEST DAY OUT OF ANY DAY OF SCHOOL I COULD EVER HAVE.


The House On Mango [Bushard] Street


EVERY time it was a rainy or a sad day for my parents or me, my parents and I would make hot pot to eat to gives us warmth inside our body and discuss why our day was bad. We would talk about arguments that we had with friends, or just talk about random things to let our stress about and have a HAPPY day in the end. My parents and I would let our stress out by doing this which made us more calm than anything else because we were letting out our frustration inside our body. It was good to talk with the parents about our problems because it shows how my parents have my back when it is a school problem or a sport problem they would ALWAYS have my back. WHY is this comforting? IT lets our stress out, we can discuss as a family about our problems and no one could judge us about our arguments and we have food right in front our faces to comfort us and gives a happy day in the end. Food comforts me a lot, when I see food it just makes my day already. LIKE ANY TYPE of food will comfort me as long as its tasty and good.Image result for Comfortable


Sadness and Love can do many things.

I have felt lost multiple times when my family starts to break down into sadness. Sometimes I think to myself what has gotten into my parents. Sometimes I feel lost not knowing what to do to make them happier, but my imagination always comes into help if I am ever lost. It helps me keep my cool when I’m lost, it helps me to relieve my parents from stress, it helps my family become more connected than before, it helps to keep my family happy, warm, and cozy. It helps to start a new day in the morning. Feeling lost can stress multiple people out whether it is your friends or your parents. That’s why having an imagination can lead you from the lost path to the path that is on (2)

Helping and Caring

One time I was walking with my friends to taco bell, and I saw a person who went to our middle school, started bullying another person for wearing a dumb shirt. The guy was judging the guys shirt for wearing some dumb shirt that had a nintendo character on it. My friends and I stepped in to help the kid that was being judged for a shirt, because clothes don’t judge people yet people do it every single day. People judge other people for beauty or their looks. I was like seriously who cares about that, if the way they look is the way they look, then that’s how they look. NO need to be jealous of someone or some kind of dumb shirt, this is what I was thinking in my head during that argument. After that we helped the kid and made good friends with him.hands

Changes happens a lot

The way people act these days around my neighborhood is crazy. Some people are crazy, some can be in bad moods most of the time or sometimes there are really nice neighbors. Well that is how I made friends with my neighbors when I met them, when I was only 6 years old. I had a great time with time because they were nice and friendly and that family didn’t seem to argue that much. That is until they moved away and came in a new set of family. I tried to greet them and say welcome to your new neighborhood. BUT this family was different, they were all grumpy and didn’t seem like they had any satisfaction of our neighborhood. I tried talking to their son but he just wouldn’t answer since he missed old home. So I went back home and never ever talked to that family again and even to this day.  CHANGES


Personalities is different for everyone

Personalities… Everyone has a different personality whether they are nice and happy or they just don’t care how they act. Like my Aunt Brittany, she always has a different personality every time I see her. Sometimes she is in a good mood and other times she is in a really bad mood. I always ask her how her day went so I can make her feel much better in a sense. Her personality is like no other in my neighborhood. She is somehow always nice even when she is stressed or just in a really bad mood. Sometimes she just makes everyone laugh out of surprise so she can make herself feel better. It was always too awesome to see her in a good personality rather than having a negative attitude.



People get judged for how they are and what kind of race they come or how they dress. Many people can be different but people just don’t understand how people act. Everyone is different and sometimes people just get jealous and that’s why people make fun or judge each other. Differences are differences and no one can change them. People act the way they act and they like to be themselves instead of one judging and trying to change them. Being yourself is always the best difference. Being yourself makes you free. It makes you feel great and you wouldn’t care if anyone judged you, but then sometimes our self-esteem kicks in thinking what if, WHAT IF. download (3)

ANGER, FRUSTRATION, SADNESS Leads to better success.

Do you ever feel MAD? You want to get your FRUSTRATION out, BUT you can’t. When you are at a world championships for a gaming tournament, and you’ve come so far but you lose. Only second place after working so hard for the year. You are probably wondering how do these kinds of emotions lead you to better success yet these EMOTIONS ARE SO NEGATIVE. These NEGATIVE thoughts can drive you to become better and stronger for the next tournament. These thoughts in your head can turn into positive thoughts because you persevere from your negative thoughts which drives you. HOW do negative thoughts drive you? AND why does this drive you?  If you think about it these NEGATIVE THOUGHTS turn into POSITIVE THOUGHTS, because these negative thoughts get you in practice sessions, but they turn into positive thoughts during this practice session because you are telling yourself I CAN DO IT, I CAN DO IT, I CAN DO IT!

Why does the brain do this to you? The brain keeps your positive thoughts up, it’s also because of your stress levels. Usually if you’re stress levels are high. you get angry, mad , and even frustrated. How does this turn into positive thoughts you wonder. Well you make stress your friend by turning stress into a positive thing. For example, you are stress and get frustrated over your massive homework pile, well you tell your stress or your mind I can get through this, or you can say that this pile is nothing and you can get through it slowly each time so that your stress levels are way down and you won’t get as frustrated.


Image result for water boilingImage result for Happy brain


Maybe this phrase has appeared or you have heard it before, but it can’t be stressed enough by parents, teachers, and even the sport coaches. Like look at every school, all students do in school is go to our classes and listen to a teacher speak about his/her topic of the day. Then we just starting taking notes and look at slides for the whole week of school we have. As class is over then we get our homework and go to our next class and get more homework. Then we go home and do our homework thats due the next day. There are some teachers at specific schools that are trying to teach a different way so that students are involved and having fun instead of listening to a teacher speaking for and hour or so and just sitting there at your desk.  So teachers need to start changing the way they need to teach so students can have fun and be creative with what they do. Take for example there is a private school called Ron Clark. The teachers sings in math class so students understand the concepts and that students are involved in the class and they can sing along too. Students make music videos about math topics and students can have fun unlike other schools that have students sitting at their desk listening to a teacher.  As students get involved in these types of teaching then they look forward to school and schools start having creativity back so students don’t have to take notes.

Students getting involved at school with creative teaching helps the student understand a topic better unlike taking notes.  Why take notes when you can learn in a better creative way, Why do teachers kill creativity, we ask so many questions about school’s creativity, but we just can’t answer them.


Gaming Tournaments in SCHOOL

Almost every student I know has played a video game on their phone while sitting in class. Can you imagine being able to play on a PC or gaming system while you are at school? How great would that be?

Gaming tournaments should be at school because it can show people’s talent and show their dedication to a game making the principal and teachers think, “Oh, there should be way more events like this. Last year in school we had a Smash Bros Melee tournament hosted by Virtual Enterprise and there were a lot of people who got to show their talent out there, but it wasn’t really well known yet since it wasn’t known to any people who haven’t the played the game yet. So there wasn’t many people to compete with during that time. The game wasn’t a mainstream game so it wasn’t well known. If we hosted gaming tournaments at school like mainstream games, like Street Fighter V, League of Legends, or any well known mainstream game that is known to everyone. Also if the tournaments are going to be for fun at school please don’t make it cost money or else everyone just gets down and can’t pay for it. Instead it should be just for free since everyone wants to have fun at these kinds of tournaments. Well look at colleges now, California State University-Long Beach are starting to have gaming teams on their campus. If we had gaming teams in High School then they would look at our colleges applications and see if we could be put on a gaming team or club in colleges.

Colleges look at our applications, and they like us to play multiple sports because it shows we have many talents. So take it to gaming careers, since colleges and universities are starting to have gaming teams and clubs, if we had high school gaming teams then they would look at our applications and put us on a gaming team and start gaming tournaments in in colleges. Students would have a bright future for themselves in colleges with these gaming clubs and teams in high school, and have a career for themselves and represent schools on television.

Image result for PS4 controllerImage result for gaming keyboards